Title: | Fast and Scalable Single Cell Differential Expression Analysis using Mixed-Effects Models |
Description: | A fast and scalable linear mixed-effects model (LMM) estimation algorithm for analysis of single-cell differential expression. The algorithm uses summary-level statistics and requires less computer memory to fit the LMM. |
Authors: | Changjiang Xu [aut, cre], Gary Bader [aut] |
Maintainer: | Changjiang Xu <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 1.0.0 |
Built: | 2025-01-15 08:38:50 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/baderlab/flashmm |
lmm is used to fit linear mixed-effects models (LMM) based on summary-level data. The LMM parameters are estimated by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) with Fisher scoring (FS) gradient descent algorithm.
lmm( XX, XY, ZX, ZY, ZZ, Ynorm, n, summary.stats = NULL, d, theta0 = NULL, method = "REML-FS", max.iter = 50, epsilon = 1e-05, output.cov = TRUE, output.RE = FALSE )
lmm( XX, XY, ZX, ZY, ZZ, Ynorm, n, summary.stats = NULL, d, theta0 = NULL, method = "REML-FS", max.iter = 50, epsilon = 1e-05, output.cov = TRUE, output.RE = FALSE )
XX |
t(X)%*%X, X is a design matrix for fixed effects. |
XY |
t(Y%*%X), Y is a features-by-samples matrix of observed responses (genes-by-cells expression matrix for scRNA-seq). |
ZX |
t(Z)%*%X, Z = [Z1, ..., Zk], a design matrix for k random factors (variables). |
ZY |
t(Y%*%Z). |
ZZ |
t(Z)%*%Z. |
Ynorm |
Norms for features (each row in Y), that is, Ynorm = rowSums(Y*Y). |
n |
Numbers of samples (cells in scRNA-seq), nrow(X). |
summary.stats |
A list of the summary statistics: XX, XY, ZX, ZY, ZZ, Ynorm and n, which can be computed by csslmm function. |
d |
A vector of (m1,...,mk), mi = ncol(Zi), number of columns in Zi. m1 + ... + mk = ncol(Z), number of columns in Z. |
theta0 |
A vector of initial values of the variance components, (s1, ...,sk, s_(k+1)), si = sigma_i^2, the variance component of the i-th type random effects. s_(k+1) = sigma^2, the variance component of model residual error. |
method |
The REML with Fisher scoring (FS) iterative algorithm, REML-FS. |
max.iter |
The maximal number of iterations for the iterative algorithm. |
epsilon |
Positive convergence tolerance. If the absolute value of the first partial derivative of log likelihood is less than epsilon, the iterations converge. |
output.cov |
If TRUE, output the covariance matrices for the estimated coefficients, which are needed for testing contrasts. |
output.RE |
If TRUE, output the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of the random effects. |
A list containing the following components:
dlogL First partial derivatives of log-likelihoods for each feature (gene).
niter Nmbers of iterations for each feature (gene).
coef A matrix of estimated coefficients (fixed effects), each column corresponds to a feature (gene) and each row one covariate.
se A matrix of the standard errors of the estimated coefficients.
t A matrix of t-values for the fixed effects, equal to coef/se.
df Degrees of freedom.
p A matrix of two-sided p-values for the fixed effects.
cov A array of covariance matrices of the estimated coefficients (fixed effects).
theta A matrix of the estimated variance components, each column corresponds to a feature (gene) and each row one variance component. The last row is the variance component of the residual error.
se.theta Standard errors of the estimated theta.
RE A matrix of the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of random effects.
#Generate data: X, Y, and Z. set.seed(2024) n <- 1e3 m <- 10 Y <- matrix(rnorm(m*n), m, n) rownames(Y) <- paste0("Gene", 1:nrow(Y)) trt <- sample(c("A", "B"), n, replace = TRUE) X <- model.matrix(~ 0 + trt) q <- 20 sam <- rep(NA, n) sam[trt == "A"] <- paste0("A", sample.int(q/2, sum(trt == "A"), replace = TRUE)) sam[trt == "B"] <- paste0("B", sample.int(q/2, sum(trt == "B"), replace = TRUE)) Z <- model.matrix(~ 0 + sam) d <- ncol(Z) #Fitting LMM by summary-level data n <- nrow(X) XX <- t(X)%*%X XY <- t(Y%*%X) ZX <- t(Z)%*%X ZY <- t(Y%*%Z) ZZ <- t(Z)%*%Z Ynorm <- rowSums(Y*Y) fit1 <- lmm(XX, XY, ZX, ZY, ZZ, Ynorm = Ynorm, n = n, d = d) str(fit1) #Fitting LMM using the summary-level data computed by sslmm ss <- sslmm(X, Y, Z) fit2 <- lmm(summary.stats = ss, d = d) identical(fit1, fit2)
#Generate data: X, Y, and Z. set.seed(2024) n <- 1e3 m <- 10 Y <- matrix(rnorm(m*n), m, n) rownames(Y) <- paste0("Gene", 1:nrow(Y)) trt <- sample(c("A", "B"), n, replace = TRUE) X <- model.matrix(~ 0 + trt) q <- 20 sam <- rep(NA, n) sam[trt == "A"] <- paste0("A", sample.int(q/2, sum(trt == "A"), replace = TRUE)) sam[trt == "B"] <- paste0("B", sample.int(q/2, sum(trt == "B"), replace = TRUE)) Z <- model.matrix(~ 0 + sam) d <- ncol(Z) #Fitting LMM by summary-level data n <- nrow(X) XX <- t(X)%*%X XY <- t(Y%*%X) ZX <- t(Z)%*%X ZY <- t(Y%*%Z) ZZ <- t(Z)%*%Z Ynorm <- rowSums(Y*Y) fit1 <- lmm(XX, XY, ZX, ZY, ZZ, Ynorm = Ynorm, n = n, d = d) str(fit1) #Fitting LMM using the summary-level data computed by sslmm ss <- sslmm(X, Y, Z) fit2 <- lmm(summary.stats = ss, d = d) identical(fit1, fit2)
lmmfit, a wrapper function of lmm, fits linear mixed-effects models (LMM) by sample-level data. The LMM parameters are estimated by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) with Fisher scoring (FS) gradient descent algorithm.
lmmfit( Y, X, Z, d, theta0 = NULL, method = "REML-FS", max.iter = 50, epsilon = 1e-05, output.cov = TRUE, output.RE = FALSE )
lmmfit( Y, X, Z, d, theta0 = NULL, method = "REML-FS", max.iter = 50, epsilon = 1e-05, output.cov = TRUE, output.RE = FALSE )
Y |
A features-by-samples matrix of responses (genes-by-cells matrix of gene expressions for scRNA-seq). |
X |
A design matrix for fixed effects, with rows corresponding to the columns of Y. |
Z |
A design matrix for random effects, with rows corresponding to the columns of Y. Z = [Z1, ..., Zk], and Zi, i=1,...,k, is the design matrix for the i-th type random factor. |
d |
A vector of (m1,...,mk), mi = ncol(Zi), number of columns in Zi. m1 + ... + mk = ncol(Z), number of columns in Z. |
theta0 |
A vector of initial values of the variance components, (s1, ...,sk, s_(k+1)), si = sigma_i^2, the variance component of the i-th type random effects. s_(k+1) = sigma^2, the variance component of model residual error. |
method |
The REML with Fisher scoring (FS) iterative algorithm, REML-FS. |
max.iter |
The maximal number of iterations for the iterative algorithm. |
epsilon |
Positive convergence tolerance. If the absolute value of the first partial derivative of log likelihood is less than epsilon, the iterations converge. |
output.cov |
If TRUE, output the covariance matrices for the estimated coefficients, which are needed for testing contrasts. |
output.RE |
If TRUE, output the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of the random effects. |
A list containing the following components:
dlogL First partial derivatives of log-likelihoods for each feature (gene).
niter Nmbers of iterations for each feature (gene).
coef A matrix of estimated coefficients (fixed effects), each column corresponds to a feature (gene) and each row one covariate.
se A matrix of the standard errors of the estimated coefficients.
t A matrix of t-values for the fixed effects, equal to coef/se.
df Degrees of freedom.
p A matrix of two-sided p-values for the fixed effects.
cov A array of covariance matrices of the estimated coefficients (fixed effects).
theta A matrix of the estimated variance components, each column corresponds to a feature (gene) and each row one variance component. The last row is the variance component of the residual error.
se.theta Standard errors of the estimated theta.
RE A matrix of the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of random effects.
#Generate data: X, Y, and Z. set.seed(2024) n <- 1e3 m <- 10 Y <- matrix(rnorm(m*n), m, n) rownames(Y) <- paste0("Gene", 1:nrow(Y)) trt <- sample(c("A", "B"), n, replace = TRUE) X <- model.matrix(~ 0 + trt) q <- 20 sam <- rep(NA, n) sam[trt == "A"] <- paste0("A", sample.int(q/2, sum(trt == "A"), replace = TRUE)) sam[trt == "B"] <- paste0("B", sample.int(q/2, sum(trt == "B"), replace = TRUE)) Z <- model.matrix(~ 0 + sam) d <- ncol(Z) #Fitting LMM by the cell-level data fit <- lmmfit(Y, X, Z, d = d) str(fit) #Hypothesis tests lmmtest(fit) lmmtest(fit, index = 2) lmmtest(fit, contrast = cbind("B-A" = c(-1, 1)))
#Generate data: X, Y, and Z. set.seed(2024) n <- 1e3 m <- 10 Y <- matrix(rnorm(m*n), m, n) rownames(Y) <- paste0("Gene", 1:nrow(Y)) trt <- sample(c("A", "B"), n, replace = TRUE) X <- model.matrix(~ 0 + trt) q <- 20 sam <- rep(NA, n) sam[trt == "A"] <- paste0("A", sample.int(q/2, sum(trt == "A"), replace = TRUE)) sam[trt == "B"] <- paste0("B", sample.int(q/2, sum(trt == "B"), replace = TRUE)) Z <- model.matrix(~ 0 + sam) d <- ncol(Z) #Fitting LMM by the cell-level data fit <- lmmfit(Y, X, Z, d = d) str(fit) #Hypothesis tests lmmtest(fit) lmmtest(fit, index = 2) lmmtest(fit, contrast = cbind("B-A" = c(-1, 1)))
lmmtest is used to test fixed effects or contrasts of fixed effects.
lmmtest( fit, index, contrast = NULL, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") )
lmmtest( fit, index, contrast = NULL, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") )
fit |
A result of lmmfit/lmm, which contains coef (estimates of fixed effects), a matrix with rows representing the fixed effects and columns the different response variables in the model, cov (covariance matrix of the fixed effects), an array of three dimmesions for different response variables in the model, df (residual degree of freedom in the linear model). |
index |
A vector of integers or characters indicating which fixed effects are to be tested. By default index consists of all of the fixed effects. Ignored if contrast is not NULL. |
contrast |
A matrix with columns corresponding to contrasts of the fixed effects to be tested. |
alternative |
A character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, one of "two.sided", "greater" or "less". |
A matrix of t-values and p-values, in which the rows correspond to the features (genes) and the columns the fixed effects (covariates). .
simuRNAseq simulates scRNA-seq data with multiple subjects (samples), multiple clusters (cell-types) and two treatments (conditions) based on a negative binomial (NB) distribution using a reference data as background or control. The reference data consisting of genes-by-cells counts matrix is used to estimate the NB dispersion and means for the genes to be simulated. The simulated genes are randomly selected from the reference data. The NB dispersion are estimated by the method-of-moments estimate (MME). The NB means for the background in the control are estimated by the sample mean. The NB means for the differentially expressed (DE) genes are given by the sample mean plus a log-fold change (logFC). The simulated cells are randomly selected from the meta data that specifies subjects, cell-types and treatments for the cells. The meta data consists of samples, clusters of cell types, and treatments, which can be generated either from reference data or randomly. If not provided, it will be randomly generated. A random seed is recommended to be specified by set.seed before simulating data.
simuRNAseq( counts, nGenes = nrow(counts), nCells = ncol(counts), metadata = NULL, samples.nested = TRUE, nsam = 25, ncls = 10, ntrt = 2, trt = NULL, nDEgenes = ncls, nDEgenesType, pDEgenesType = NULL, adjust.library.size = TRUE, direction = c("both", "up", "down"), minbeta = 0.25, maxbeta = 1, var.randomeffects = 0.1 )
simuRNAseq( counts, nGenes = nrow(counts), nCells = ncol(counts), metadata = NULL, samples.nested = TRUE, nsam = 25, ncls = 10, ntrt = 2, trt = NULL, nDEgenes = ncls, nDEgenesType, pDEgenesType = NULL, adjust.library.size = TRUE, direction = c("both", "up", "down"), minbeta = 0.25, maxbeta = 1, var.randomeffects = 0.1 )
counts |
A genes-by-cells matrix of reference counts. If missing, counts is generated by a negative binomial distribution. |
nGenes |
Number of genes to be simulated. |
nCells |
Number of cells to be simulated. |
metadata |
The meta data consisting of 4 columns: sam (sample labels), cls (cluster lables of cell types), trt (treatments or conditions) and libsize (library size or total counts per cell), which is randomly generated if not provided. |
samples.nested |
If TRUE, when metadata is not provided, each simulated subject (sample) belongs to only one condition (either treatment or control), that is, the subject is nested in a condition (treatment). |
nsam |
Number of subjects (individuals). |
ncls |
Number of clusters (cell-types). |
ntrt |
Number of treatments (only one condition is treated). |
trt |
Treatment, specifying which condition is treated. |
nDEgenes |
Total number of DE genes. |
nDEgenesType |
Number of DE genes specific to a cell type, named by cell cluster labels. |
pDEgenesType |
Proportion of DE genes in a cell-type. Default NULL means equal proportion. |
adjust.library.size |
If TRUE, adjust library sizes using the reference counts. |
direction |
Specify if the DE genes are up- and/or down-regulated. |
minbeta |
Lower bound of the DE gene logFC. |
maxbeta |
Upper bound of the DE gene logFC. minbeta < maxbeta. If direction = "both", minbeta*maxbeta > 0. If direction = "up", minbeta > 0. If direction = "down", maxbeta < 0. |
var.randomeffects |
Variance of random effects |
ref.mean.dispersion: A data frame of the reference counts' means and dispersion,
metadata: Meta data consisting of 4 columns: sam (sample labels), cls (cluster lables of cell types), trt (two treatments/conditions) and libsize (library sizes).
counts: A genes-by-cells matrix of the simulated counts.
DEgenes: A data frame of DE genes consisting of 3 columns: gene, beta (effect), and cluster to which the gene is specific.
treatment: The condition treated.
#Simulate a multi-sample multi-cell-type scRNA-seq dataset. set.seed(2412) dat <- simuRNAseq(nGenes = 50, nCells = 1000, nsam = 25, ncls = 4, ntrt = 2, nDEgenes = 6) str(dat) table(dat$metadata[, c("sam", "trt")]) #The samples are nested in a condition. #Analyze differentially expressed (DE) genes specific to a cell-type using LMM. Y <- log(dat$counts + 1) #expressions (log-transformed counts) X <- model.matrix(~ 0 + log(libsize) + cls + cls:trt, data = dat$metadata) Z <- model.matrix(~ 0 + sam, data = dat$metadata) d <- ncol(Z) #Fitting LMM using cell-level data. fit <- lmmfit(Y, X, Z, d = d) #Fitting LMM using summary-level data. ss <- sslmm(X, Y, Z) fitss <- lmm(summary.stats = ss, d = d) identical(fit, fitss) #Hypothesis tests test <- lmmtest(fit) head(test) #The DE genes specific to a cell-type. tail(test[, grep(":", colnames(test))]) #The true DE genes dat$DEgenes
#Simulate a multi-sample multi-cell-type scRNA-seq dataset. set.seed(2412) dat <- simuRNAseq(nGenes = 50, nCells = 1000, nsam = 25, ncls = 4, ntrt = 2, nDEgenes = 6) str(dat) table(dat$metadata[, c("sam", "trt")]) #The samples are nested in a condition. #Analyze differentially expressed (DE) genes specific to a cell-type using LMM. Y <- log(dat$counts + 1) #expressions (log-transformed counts) X <- model.matrix(~ 0 + log(libsize) + cls + cls:trt, data = dat$metadata) Z <- model.matrix(~ 0 + sam, data = dat$metadata) d <- ncol(Z) #Fitting LMM using cell-level data. fit <- lmmfit(Y, X, Z, d = d) #Fitting LMM using summary-level data. ss <- sslmm(X, Y, Z) fitss <- lmm(summary.stats = ss, d = d) identical(fit, fitss) #Hypothesis tests test <- lmmtest(fit) head(test) #The DE genes specific to a cell-type. tail(test[, grep(":", colnames(test))]) #The true DE genes dat$DEgenes
sslmm can be used to compute the correlation-related summary statistics (summary-level data) for lmm function.
sslmm(X, Y, Z)
sslmm(X, Y, Z)
X |
A design matrix for fixed effects, with rows corresponding to the columns of Y. |
Y |
A features-by-samples matrix of responses (genes-by-cells matrix of gene expressions for scRNA-seq). |
Z |
A design matrix for random effects, with rows corresponding to the columns of Y. |
A list of summary statistics: XX = t(X)%*%X, XY = t(X)%*%t(Y), ZX = t(Z)%*%X, ZY = t(Z)%*%t(Y), ZZ = t(Z)%*%Z, Ynorm = rowSums(Y*Y) and n = nrow(X).
n <- 1e3 set.seed(2024) p <- 2 X <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), n, p) colnames(X) <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(X)) m <- 3 Y <- matrix(rnorm(m*n), m, n) rownames(Y) <- paste0("Y", 1:nrow(Y)) q <- 4 Z <- gl(q, n/q, labels = letters[1:q]) Z <- model.matrix(~ 0 + Z) sslmm(X, Y, Z)
n <- 1e3 set.seed(2024) p <- 2 X <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), n, p) colnames(X) <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(X)) m <- 3 Y <- matrix(rnorm(m*n), m, n) rownames(Y) <- paste0("Y", 1:nrow(Y)) q <- 4 Z <- gl(q, n/q, labels = letters[1:q]) Z <- model.matrix(~ 0 + Z) sslmm(X, Y, Z)